Coyote Camp ARTE Meals. Almost-Ready-to-Eat Meals.


Our newest meal offering – the ARTE Meal (Almost Ready-to-Eat Meal) utilizes the Alpine Aire line of dehydrated entree’s and rounds out with fruit, cookies, and electrolyte replacement. A really great new option for Spike Camping on the Line.

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Coyote Camp is pleased to present a new meal line beginning Fire Season 2021 – Our new Almost-Ready-to-Eat (ARTE) Meal.  A delight to prototype and field test, we call it Almost Ready to Eat because the dehydrated/freeze dried Alpine Aire 600 calorie entrées require only the addition of hot water to rehydrate. In 15 minutes they become a VERY tasty main entrée. As with all Coyote Camp Meals, we round out the entrée with juices, fruit squeezers, cookies, granola bars, penny-candies, and an electrolyte replacement. The result is a 1200 calorie Almost-Ready-to-Eat meal.

Alpine Aire’s plentiful selection of Beef, Pork, Poultry, and Vegetarian entrées enable us to offer these full ARTE meals in 10 count and 5 count cases.

The Coyote Camp ARTE Case Option A (10ct) provides 4 Beef/Pork, 4 Poultry, and 2 Vegetarian Meals.

The Coyote Camp ARTE Case Option B (10ct) provides 5 Beef/Pork, and 5 Poultry Meals.

The Coyote Camp ARTE Case Option V (10ct) provides 10 Vegetarian Meals.


The Coyote Camp ARTE Spike Case A (5ct) provides 2 Beef/Pork, 2 Poultry, and 1 Vegetarian Meal.

The Coyote Camp ARTE Spike Case B (5ct) provides 5 Beef/Pork Meals

The Coyote Camp ARTE Spike Case V (5ct) provides 5 Vegetarian Meals.


We think you’ll find these new meals a welcome addition and a great way to help meet your field-nutritional needs this Fire Season.

Additional information

1 Case

10ct, 8ct, 5ct


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