Fireline Chow

These meals are designed for the higher caloric energy outputs required of firefighters and emergency service professionals in the field, actively engaged in arduous working conditions. Very filling and satisfying meals.

Day Ration/24 Hour Food Packs

What is the Day Ration? The Day Ration is a 24 Hour Food Pack containing food and sustenance for 1 Person for 24 hours.

JetPac Fireline Meals

JetPac Fireline Meals are innovative field meals requiring zero prep and zero flatware and PBJ Lunch to spread your PB&J Calorie counts range from 900 calories for the Breakfast to 1200 calories for the Lunch/Dinner Meals

Jet-Pac Adventure Traveler Meals

The Jet-Pac Adventure-Traveler Meal is a ready-to-eat field meal that requires zero prep and zero flatware. An ideal meal for travelers anywhere ready to eat, from the shelf-stable pocket sandwich to the snacks.

Caveman Meals

The Caveman Meal is a great meal product that embraces the simplest food preparation techniques used for millennia to preserve foods in the cleanest and simplest way possible -drying or dehydration.

Standard Meals

Non-self-heating meals with pop-top tin or microwavable entrees. Great for warm and hot weather operations where piping hot meals may not be desirable.

Fireline Breakfasts

What is the Day Ration? The Day Ration is a 24 Hour Food Pack containing food and sustenance for 1 Person for 24 hours. Each food pack has breakfast, lunch, and dinner stored in a re-sealable 6 mm pouch.

Super Meals

Also non-self-heating meals with 2 pop-top tin or microwave entrees. Also great for warm and hot weather operations where piping hot meals may not be desirable.

Hotline Meals

Self-heating meals with entree pouches and water activated heater enclosed. Excellent for cooler and cold weather operations, or simply where hot meals are very desirable.

Bridgeford Pocket Sandwiches

What are Bridgeford Pocket Sandwiches? They are ready-to-eat, 3 to 3.5 oz sandwiches that require no refrigeration, come in 5 different varieties, and have a 3 year shelf-life if properly stored.


Ready-to-Eat Meals prepared for Firefighters and Emergency Personnel

Fireline Meals for firefighters and emergency service professionals

 Jet Pac Meals!!!

New Caveman Meals

Jet Pac Fire Fighter Meals

Fireline Chow

Ready-to-Eat Meals for Emergency Personal

For Emergency Service Providers & You!

Optimal for wildland firefighters, structural firefighters, search and rescue personnel, dive rescue personnel, disaster response personnel, as well as hunting, fishing, camping and backpacking.

  • Coyote Camp is the Firefighter’s Ready-to-Eat Meal.
  • Coyote Camp is the SAR Specialist’s Meal-Ready-to-Eat.
  • Coyote Camp is the Disaster Response Team’s Field Ration.
  • Coyote Camp is the Sportsman’s and Backpacker’s ideal meal.
  • Coyote Camp is the Hurricane Preparedness Ideal Meal.
  • Coyote Camp is the Disaster Preparedness Ideal Meal.
Proud to offer Werner Beef Jerky, Clif bars and Emergen-C Electrolyte Replacement. Take a look at these offerings. Check our prices! We are pleased to further provide for your field nutritional needs with these outstanding products!
Try ‘Em —You’ll Like ‘Em!
Easy Pack. Ready-to-Eat. Nutrient Dense.